


This beam apparatus is of a universal design for use in a wide range of beam experiments with simple, built-in and sinking supports measuring of, point loads, support reactions and beam deflections.

The beam frame consists of a stainless steel angle upper cross member and two aluminum profile lower cross members, bolted to the support columns with footings.  Three spring load cells with height adjustment and a cantilever support can slide along the lower members and can be clamped at any point.  Dial indicators can slide along the upper member and can be clamped at any point.  Linear scale is attached to the upper member to indicate the positions of load cells, loads, supports and dial indicators.

      The spring load cell has a hardened steel tube sliding in a bushing with hardened steel knife edge on top of the tube.  The tube rests on a coil spring on a lead screw which provides direct load reading via a dial indicator.  The height of the knife edge can be fixed at any position by a wing bolt.

Instruction manual is also included.

  • Deflection of beams with various supports and point loads.

  • Deflection of cantilever beam

  • Determination of flexural rigidity and elastic modulus.

  • Verification of static equilibrium.

  • Verification of the bending equation M/I = E/R

  • Beams with sinking supports.

  • Statically indeterminate beam with different loadings and supports.

  • Supporting frame
:  Aluminum profile and stainless-steel angle 1400 mm. long
  • ST 124 Vertical force spring support
:  3
  • ST 112 Built-in knife edge support       
:  1
  • Weight hangers
:  4
  • Weights
:  1 lot
  • Beam length
:  1200 mm
  • Beam materials
-   Mild steel:  3
-   Aluminum and brass:  1
  • ST 131 Dial indicators
:  3x 0-20 mm range, 0.01 mm graduation
  • Net (unpacked) Shipping Dimensions WxLxH: 15 x 140 x 70 cm
  • Net Weight:  Approx. 55 kg
  • Beams of other sizes and materials can be supplied on request.

  • TM415-050      Computer Interface (computer not included)

    This includes TM415S and significant sensor(s) instead of analog measuring instrument(s), data acquisition (capture, display, graph and/or data export), additional software function for real-time data logging with computer interface unit and WiFi feature for data logging and real-time display remotely on smartphone (iOS and Android)

  • Other optional equipment, please contact manufacturer ([email protected])

  • TM415S
Learning Software
                                       to support both online/offline training with data calculation and analysis by manual data entry from analog measuring instruments.








This bench top apparatus is used for studying buckling on struts under various end conditions.

The apparatus consists of two vertical columns where load is applied by a screw via a sliding support. Strut support for knife edge or built-in is a cylinder in a socket. Each strut has end conditions for knife-edge or built-in. Load on the strut is measured by a load cell and deflection is measured by a dial gauge. Side loading is by a weight hanger and weights. Height of loading beam is adjustable to accommodate different strut lengths.

Instruction manual is also included.

  • Determination of flexural rigidity and comparison with theoretical value.

  • Determination of flexural rigidity under different end conditions.

  • Determination of load VS deflection and crippling loads for strut of different

       lengths and cross sections.

  • Effects of side load and eccentric loading.

  • Basic frame
:  2 columns and sliding cross member with loading screw.
  • Maximum strut length
:  750 mm
  • Load measurement
:  Force digital display
  • Dial gauge
:  0-20 mm. x 0.01 mm. graduation.
  • Weight hanger
  • Weights
:  1 lot.
  • Strut supports         
:  2 Knife edges
 :  2 Built-in
  • Struts specimens with knife edge ends:
- Mild steel:  6 ea. different lengths.
- Aluminium and brass:  Thickness (approx.) 6 mm, Width (approx.) 19 mm, Length: 750 mm
  • Power supply
:   220V, 1Ph, 50Hz. Other power supply is available on request.
  • Net (unpacked) Shipping Dimensions WxLxH: 25 x 25 x 105 cm
  • Net Weight:  Approx. 20 kg
  • Struts of other sizes and materials are available on request.

  • TM411-050    Computer Interface (computer not included)

                            This includes TM411S and significant sensor(s) instead of analog measuring instrument(s), data acquisition (capture, display, graph and/or data export), additional software function for real-time data logging with computer interface unit and WiFi feature for data logging and real-time display remotely on smartphone (iOS and Android)

  • Other optional equipment, please contact manufacturer

  • TM411S
Learning Software
                                       to support both online/offline training with data calculation and analysis by manual data entry from analog measuring instruments.