


This bench top unit is used for studying temperature measurement of several commonly used devices as well as understanding related principles.

The unit consists of four types of display and five different other temperature measuring devices.

Heat sources and means for calibration and accuracy comparison of the different devices is also provided.

Instruction manual is also included.

  • Understanding the physical principles of each device.


  • Understanding calibration techniques.


  • Understanding lead and conduction errors.


  • Dynamic response.


  • Errors associated with incorrect applications.


  • Air humidity.

  • Temperature digital display:
- Platinum resistance thermometer, range-49.9°C to 199.9°C x 0.1°C resolution
- Thermistor, 0-100°C x 0.1°C resolution
- Thermocouple type K, - 75 to +120°C x 1°C resolution
- Thermocouple type K, -75 to +120oC with millivoltmeter
  • General industrial temperature measuring devices :
- Bimetallic thermometer, 0-200°C
- Vapor pressure thermometer, 20-150°C
- Liquid in glass thermometer, 0-150°C
- Self-adhesive surface temperature indicator, various strips with range up to 250°C
- Wet and dry bulb thermometers
  • Heat source:
- Hot plate with thermostat and stainless steel pot
  • Power supply: 220 V, 1 Ph, 50 Hz. Other power supply is available on request.

Net (unpacked) shipping dimensions WxLxH  : 46 x 52 x 94 cm

Net weight  : Approx. 20 kg

  • TH501-001
Hot air blower and temperature sensors stand
  • TH413S
Learning Software
 to support both online/offline training with data calculation and analysis by manual data entry from analog measuring instruments.






The unit is for demonstration of stirling cycle hot air engine principles.

The engine consists of a large vertical cylinder with heater to generate hot gas. Twin cylinders above the hot gas cylinder generate power. The hot gas cylinder head can be cooled by water from a cooling system. All cylinders are attached to a common shaft. Heater to the hot gas cylinder can be varied.

Instruments are provided for measurement of input power and output power.

The advantage of this design is the ability to bring the engine to operating condition in a short time.

Instruction manual is also included.

  • Torque vs speed for a given input power.


  • Output and efficiency vs speed for a given input power.


  • Effect of hot gas cylinder head cooling on efficiency.


Heater: 500 W 
  • Maximum speed
: Approx. 900 rpm 
  • Maximum power
: Up to 3000 mW with cooling water 


: Up to 2000 mW without cooling water 
  • Cooling system
: Water tank and pump 
  • Measuring instruments:
- Torque: Mechanical dynamometer with spring balance and weights 
- Speed: Portable tachometer 
- Sensors with digital display: Electrical input power 
  • Power supply
: 220V 1Ph 50Hz. Other power supply is available on request. 

Net (unpacked) shipping dimensions WxLxH  : 33 x 60 x 89 cm

Net weight  : Approx. 23 kg

  • TH413S
Learning Software
 to support both online/offline training with data calculation and analysis by manual data entry from analog measuring instruments.
  • TH411-010
DC generator with resistive loads and voltage and current digital display for measurement of electrical power output
  • TH411-050
Computer Interface (computer not included)
 This includes TH413S and significant sensor(s) instead of analog measuring instrument(s),
 data acquisition (capture, display, graph and/or data export), additional software function for real-time data logging with computer
 interface unit and WiFi feature for data logging and real-time display remotely on smartphone (iOS and Android)

  • TH413S
Learning Software
 to support both online/offline training with data calculation and analysis by manual data entry from analog measuring instruments.






The unit is for demonstration of stirling cycle hot air engine principles.

The engine consists of two vertical stainless steel cylinders. The first cylinder is to generate hot air using a heater. Power to the heater can be varied. The second cylinder is to generate a mechanical power using hot air from the first cylinder. Both cylinders are attached to a common shaft, with a suitable flywheel. The hot gas cylinder head is cooled by outside water supply. Instruments are provided for measurement of input power, and output power.

The advantage of this design is the ability to bring the engine to operating condition in a short time.

Instruction manual is also included.

  • Torque vs speed for a given input power.


  • Output and efficiency vs speed for a given input power.

Heater: 300 W max 
  • Maximum speed
: Over 500 rpm 
  • Maximum power
: Over 900 mW 
  • Measuring instruments:
- Torque: Mechanical dynamometer with spring balance and weights 
- Speed: Portable tachometer 
- Sensors with digital display: Electrical input power 
  • Power supply
: 220 V, 1 Ph, 50Hz. Other power supply is available on request. 

Net (unpacked) shipping dimensions WxLxH  : 35 x 50 x 45 cm

Net weight  : Approx. 20 kg

  • TH411S
Learning Software
 to support both online/offline training with data calculation and analysis by manual data entry from analog measuring instruments.
  • TH411-001

Cooling system: Water storage tank and pump

  • TH411-010

DC generator with resistive loads with voltage and current digital display

  • TH411-050

Computer Interface (computer not included)

This includes TH411S and significant sensor(s) instead
 (capture, display, graph and/or data export), additional software function for real-time data logging with
 computer interface unit and WiFi feature for data logging and real-time display remotely on smartphone (iOS and Android)
  • TH411S
Learning Software
 to support both online/offline training with data calculation and analysis by manual data entry from analog measuring instruments.

TH 410 STIRLING CYCLE HOT AIR ENGINE, Horizontal Cylinders

TH 410 STIRLING CYCLE HOT AIR ENGINE, Horizontal Cylinders




The unit is for demonstration of stirling cycle hot air engine.

The engine consists of two cylinders. The first (displacer) cylinder is made of Pyrex glass and is to generate hot air by a resistance heater. The second (power) cylinder is to generate a mechanical power on a fly wheel by hot air from the first cylinder. Air flow passage and phase angle between the two cylinders are such that the expanded cool air from the second cylinder is returned for heating in the first cylinder. The power to the heater can be varied. Cylinder ports allow engine to operate on gasses other than air. Instruments are provided for measurement of input power, and output power.

Instruction manual is also included.

  • Torque vs speed for a given input.


  • Output and efficiency vs speed for a given input.

Heater : 300 W max
  • Maximum speed
: Over 500 rpm
  • Maximum power
: Over 1000 mW
  • Measuring instruments:
- Torque : Mechanical dynamometer with spring balance and weights
- Speed : Portable tachometer
- Sensors with digital display : Electrical input power
  • Power supply
: 220 V, 1 Ph, 50Hz. Other power supply is available on request.

Net (unpacked) shipping dimensions WxLxH  : 30 x 45 x 60 cm

Net weight  : Approx. 38 kg

  • TH410S
Learning Software
 to support both online/offline training with data calculation and analysis by manual data entry from analog measuring instruments.
  • TH 410-010
DC generator with resistive loads and voltage and current digital display for measurement of electrical power output
  • TH 410-050
Computer Control (computer not included)
 This includes TH410S and significant sensor(s) instead of analog measuring instrument(s), data acquisition


(capture, display, graph and/or data export), additional software function for real-time data logging with
 computer interface unit and WiFi feature for data logging and real-time display remotely on smartphone (iOS and Android)
  • TH410S
Learning Software
 to support both online/offline training with data calculation and analysis by manual data entry from analog measuring instruments.






The apparatus is a bench top unit is used for studying the laws of heat transfer by radiation using two alternative energy sources namely a radiant heat source and a light source.

The radiation sources as well as accessories are mounted on a horizontal aluminum profile base frame with track scale.

The radiant heat source employs a heater in a housing. Temperature of the heat source can be controlled. Heat radiation is measured by a radiometer. Metal plates with different surface finishes are fitted with thermocouples to demonstrate effect of emissivity on radiation emitted and received. An adjustable vertical slot aperture plates are also provided to study area factor.

The light source is provided by a lamp in a housing with a glass diffuser. Measurement of light is by a light meter. Filters of varying opacity are supplied.

A service module provides power supply, heater control unit and measuring instruments.

Instruction manual is also included.

  • Inverse square law for light.


  • Inverse square law for thermal radiation


  • Lambert’s cosine law for light.


  • Lamberts law of absorption


  • Stefan-Boltzmann’s law of thermal radiation


  • Emissivity different surfaces


  • Emissivity two close radiating surfaces


  • Kirchoff’s law using heat source


  • Area  factor using heat source

  • Base frame:
- Material: Twin aluminium profile  
- Scale: 0-100 cm x 1 mm graduation 
  • Heat source
: 400 W heater with housing and a base clamp 
  • Measuring instruments
- Radiometer: Thermopile type with a base clamp 
- Light meter : 200,000 lux on a rotating base with angular scale 
- Sensors with digital display: Temperature for radiation plates 
  • Radiation plates

: Two black, one gray and one polished surface, each with a base clamp

  • Insulated adjustable aperture plates

: 2 with base clamp

  • Light source
: 100 W light bulb or equal with housing and base clamp 
  • Filters
: 3 different opacity and base clamp 
  • Temperature controller
  • Power supply
: 220 V, 1 Ph, 50 Hz. Other power supply is available on request. 

Net (unpacked) shipping dimensions WxLxH  : 45 x 155 x 40 cm

Net weight  : Approx. 35 kg

  • TH330S
Learning Software
 to support both online/offline training with data calculation and analysis by manual data entry from analog measuring instruments.
  • TH330-001
Additional filter
  • TH330-050
Computer Interface (computer not included)
 This includes TH330S and significant sensor(s) instead of analog measuring instrument(s), data acquisition (capture, display, graph and/or data export),
 additional software function for real-time data logging with computer interface unit and WiFi feature for data logging and real-time display remotely on smartphone (iOS and Android)
  • TH320S
Learning Software
 to support both online/offline training with data calculation and analysis by manual data entry from analog measuring instruments.





The unit is used for studying heat transfer by free and forced convection in a vertical duct.

A heating surface is attached to the middle of the duct. Three types of heating surfaces are available i.e. vertical flat plate, plate with cylinders, and finned plate. A front window is provided for visual observation of the heating surface. Air enters the duct at the bottom duct with flow straightener and escapes via the top. A fan is attached to the top of the duct to induce forced convection. Air velocity is measured by a thermal probe anemometer. Temperatures of hot surface and of air at different points in the duct are measured by thermocouples.

A service module provides power supply, heater control unit, and measuring instruments.

Instruction manual is also included.

  • Principles of free and forced convection.


  • Heat transfer in flat plate, cylindrical and finned surfaces.


  • Temperature distribution on cylindrical and finned surfaces. 


  • Outlet air temperature distribution.


  • Determination of Reynold, Nusselt and Prandtl numbers.


  • Calculations of heat transfer coefficient, efficiency and heat transfer rate.

  • Duct
- Cross section: 120 x 120 mm 
  • Heater
- Capacity: 3 x 320 watts 
  • Heat transfer area of surfaces
- Flat: 00 cm2 
- Cylindrical: 750 cm2 (approx.) 
- Finned: 2000 cm2 (approx.) 
  • Fan with speed control unit
: Maximum flow rate over 3.0 m3/min 
 : Maximum air velocity over 3.0 m/s 
  • Measuring instruments
 - Hot wire anemometer with temperature digital display 
- Sensors with digital display: Voltage and current of input power 
 : Temperatures of air inlet and outlet, heater and for heated surfaces 
  • Heater surface temperature limit unit (not more than 100°C)
  • Power supply
: 220 V, 1 Ph, 50Hz. Other power supply is available on request. 

Net (unpacked) shipping dimensions WxLxH  : 40 x 65 x 135 cm

Net weight  : Approx. 35 kg

  • TH320S
Learning Software
 to support both online/offline training with data calculation and analysis by manual data entry from analog measuring instruments.
  • TH320-050
Computer Interface (computer not included)
 This includes TH320S and significant sensor(s) instead of analog measuring instrument(s), data acquisition (capture, display, graph and/or data export),
 additional software function for real-time data logging with computer interface unit and WiFi feature for data logging and real-time display remotely on smartphone (iOS and Android)
  • TH320-060
Computer Control (computer not included)
 This includes TH 320-050 with the additional accessories for control function and additional software function for equipment controls by computer


  • TH320S
Learning Software
 to support both online/offline training with data calculation and analysis by manual data entry from analog measuring instruments.


TH 312 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF NON-METALLIC MATERIALS,Guarded hot plate method, Computer Interface




This bench top unit is for testing of thermal conductivity of non-metallic materials using guarded hot plates per ISO8302 and ASTM C177-04.

The equipment consists of a central heater with hot plates, a guard ring with heater and hot plates, and two water cooled cold plates. Two specimens are inserted between the hot plates and cold plates. The assembly is encased in a test cabinet with insulation. The cold plates are clamped together to provided a uniform pressure.

A service module provides power supply heater control unit, and measuring instruments.

The unit requires outside water supply.

Instruction manual is also included.

  • Determination of thermal conductivity.

  • Hot plate
: 120 mm diameter  
  • Guard ring plate
: 240 mm diameter  
  • Hot plate heater
: 500 W with control knob  
  • Guard ring heater
: 500 W with control knob  
  • Cold plates
: 2 x 240 mm diameter  
  • Specimen size
: 240 mm diameter, maximum thickness 25 mm  
  • Temperature control unit to limit temperature of heater
  • Sensors with digital display
: Temperature for hot plates, cold plates and cooling water   
  : Differential temperature, 0.1oC resolution  
  : Input power measurement of voltage and current  
  • Sample specimens
: 2x 3 different materials  
  • Computer Interface unit with software for data display and analysis by computer (separately supplied).
  • WiFi feature for data logging and real-time display remotely on smartphone (iOS and Android)
  • Power supply
: 220 V, 1 Ph, 50Hz. Other power supply is available on request.  


Net (unpacked) shipping dimensions WxLxH  : 47 x 97 x 42 cm

Net weight  : Approx. 41 kg

  • TH312-014            Cooling unit instead of outside water supply



TH 310 HEAT CONDUCTION, Computer Interface

TH 310 HEAT CONDUCTION, Computer Interface



The unit consists of two parts: a multi section bar for linear heat conduction studies, and a metal disc for radial heat conduction studies.

. Linear Heat Conduction Unit.

The unit has 3 sections which can be pressed tightly together. The first section is for heat input where a heater and three temperature sensors at 10 mm interval are installed. The center section has three temperature sensors at 10 mm interval. The last section is a heat sink section where cooling water and two temperature sensors at 20 mm interval are installed.

The center section may be removed and replaced with a smaller heat conduction section or a different heat conduction material. Both replaced sections are without temperature sensors. Matching surfaces of the heat conduction section are accurately finished to minimize conduction resistance and a heat conducting compound may be applied to further reduce resistance. Thermal conductivity of an insulation material can be determined by inserting a thin insulating disc between two heat conduction surfaces.

. Radial Heat Conduction Unit.

The unit consists of a brass disc heated at the center by a heater with cooling water circulating around the periphery. Six temperature sensors are placed along a radius.

    The metallic parts of both linear and radial heat conduction units are effectively insulated inside plastic casings.

. A service module provides power supply, heater control unit, and measuring instruments.

The test unit requires outside water supply for cooling.

Instruction manual is also included.

  • Heat conduction along a simple bar.


  • Heat conduction along a composite bar.


  • Effect of cross section area.


  • Radial heat conduction.

    . Effect of surface contact.

    . Effect of insulation.

Linear heat conduction:
- Heating section : 25 mm diameter brass with 3 temperature sensors
- Center section : 25 mm diameter brass with 3 temperature sensors
: 13 mm diameter brass
: 25 mm diameter stainless steel
- Cooling section : 25 mm diameter brass with 2 temperature sensors
  • Radial heat conduction
: 110 mm diameter x 3 mm thick brass disc with 6 temperature sensors
  • Heaters
: 2x 120W with dimmer switches
  • Temperature control unit to limit temperature of heater
  • Sensors with digital display
: Voltage and current for input power measurement
: Temperatures
  • Computer Interface unit with software for data display and analysis by computer (separately supplied)
  • WiFi feature for data logging and real-time display remotely on smartphone (iOS and Android
  • Power supply
: 220 V, 1 Ph, 50Hz. Other power supply is available on request.

Net (unpacked) shipping dimensions WxLxH  : 45 x 65 x 20 cm

Net weight  : Approx. 20 kg

  • TH310-014          Cooling unit instead of outside water supply








This is a table top unit for observation of evaporation process in a heated tank.

The unit consists of a transparent tank, enclosed at top and bottom. At the bottom of the tank is a small heating cylinder and a special liquid simulating a fire tube heating water in a boiler. The vapor is condensed by a water cooled condenser at the top of the tank and the condensed liquid returns to the bottom for reboiling.

Instruments are provided for measurement of temperatures, pressure, cooling water flow rate, and input power.

  • Observation of evaporation forms.


  • Determination of heat transfer efficient.


  • Effect of pressure and temperatures on evaporation.

  • Tank
- Borosilicate glass : 130 mm inside diameter
- Height : 300 mm
  • Heater
- Power : 320 W with dimmer switch.
  • Heater surface temperature control unit
: 1
  • Condenser
- Size : 80 mm diameter copper coil
  • Safety features
- Pressure relief valve : 1 adjustable
- Pressure switch : 1 adjustable
  • Boiling liquid
: Low boiling point liquid
  • Measuring instruments
- Pressure : Pressure gauge 0-3 kg/cm2
- Flow rate (cooling water) : Maximum approx. 1.2 Lpm rotameter or equal
- Input power : Watt meter
- Sensors with digital display : : Temperature for heater surface, boiling liquid, vapor, and cooling water inlet and outlet
- Temperature control unit to limit temperature of heater surface.
  • Power supply
: 220 V, 1 Ph, 50 Hz. Other power supply is available on request.

Net (unpacked) shipping dimensions WxLxH  : 47 x 77 x 87 cm

Net weight  : Approx. 34 kg

  • TH260S
Learning Software
 to support both online/offline training with data calculation and analysis by manual data entry from analog measuring instruments.
  • TH260-001
Cooling pail for ice water for operation at high room temperature.
  • TH260-050
Computer Interface (computer not included)
 This includes TH260S and significant sensor(s) instead of analog measuring instrument(s), data acquisition (capture, display, graph and/or data export),
 additional software function for real-time data logging with computer interface unit and WiFi feature for data logging and real-time display
 remotely on smartphone (iOS and Android)

  • TH260S
Learning Software

to support both online/offline training with data calculation and analysis by manual data entry from analog measuring instruments.







This is a cooling tower demonstration unit.

Water is heated in the storage tank, pumped through a flow meter and sprayed at the top of the tower. The packing in the tower breaks the water into thin films and droplets. The water is cooled mainly by evaporation and drops to the bottom tank. Makeup water is admitted to the storage tank through a float valve. A small blower with a flow control valve is connected to the bottom tank, and air is driven upwards through the column and exhausted at the top.

Instrument are provided for measurement air flow rate, water flow rate, pressure drop across the cooling tower, temperature and moisture of the inlet and outlet air.

Instruction manual is also included.

  • Observation of water flow patterns and distribution.


  • Measurement of water and air flow rates, temperatures and    humidity.


  • Application of steady flow equation to energy balance.


  • Cooling tower performance at various air and water flow rates with different inlet water temperatures.

  • Packed column
: 150 mm x 150 mm x 600 mm high in transparent front cover with 100 m2/m3 plate packing
  • Blower
: Maximum flow rate over 3 m3/min
  • Hot water pump
: Maximum flow rate over 20 Lpm
  • Heater
: 1500 W
  • Storage tank
: Stainless steel
  • Makeup water tank
  • Temperature control unit to limit hot water temperature
  • Stainless steel hot water tank level switch to prevent heater operation if level is too low.
  • Measuring instruments
- Airflow rate : Inlet orifice plate
- Pressure drop : Twin inclined water manometer (one for air flow rate) 0-450 mm x 1 mm graduation with
multiple slope 1:10, 1:5, and 1:2 for pressure drop across the column
- Water flow rate : Variable area flow meter
- Sensors with digital display : Temperature for water inlet and outlet
: Temperature / humidity sensors for air inlet and outlet
  • Power supply
: 220 V, 1 Ph, 50Hz. Other power supply is available on request.

Net (unpacked) shipping dimensions WxLxH  : 70 x 140 x 140 cm

Net weight  : Approx. 120 kg (w/o spare column)

  • TH251S
Learning Software
 to support both online/offline training with data calculation and analysis by manual data entry from analog measuring instruments.
  • TH251-001

Bare column for preparing other experiment.

  • TH251-002
Plate packing 70 m2/ m3
  • TH251-003
Plate packing 150 m2/ m3
  • TH251-004
Plate packing 200 m2/ m3
  • TH251-005
Wooden packing 100 m2/m3
  • TH251-006
Special packed column with additional data ports for wet bulb, dry bulb, and water temperatures at three levels.
  • TH251-010A
Anemometer, 1-10 m/s, instead of inlet orifice with inclined water manometer.
  • TH251-050
Computer Interface (computer not included)
 This includes TH251S and significant sensor(s) instead of analog measuring instrument(s), data acquisition (capture, display, graph and/or data export),

additional software function for real-time data logging with computer interface unit and WiFi feature for data logging and real-time display remotely on smartphone (iOS and Android)

  • TH251-060
Computer Control (computer not included)
 This includes TH 251-050 with the additional accessories for control function and additional software function for equipment controls by computer
  • TH251S
Learning Software

to support both online/offline training with data calculation and analysis by manual data entry from analog measuring instruments.